Framework User FAQs

Framework User FAQs

For more information on what to expect when you become an adopter of the Multifamily Impact Framework, please reference our Framework User Guide here as well as the FAQs listed below. For all other questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us through email at


Q:  What are my reporting requirements to the MIC?

A:  We do not require that your organization submit any reporting data to the MIC.  We simply ask that you recognize your use of the MIC Framework in your impact report.  

Q: My organization can report on the majority of the impact reporting metrics, but not all of them.  Can I still use the MIC Framework?

A:  Yes.  While we tried to include metrics that could be easily captured, we recognize that some organizations may not have the capacity to capture all of them.  If that is the case, we would simply ask that you share feedback with us as to why you are not able to capture the specific reporting metric as it will help us identify broader issues with our reporting guidelines that we can address in future enhancements.

Q: What if my organization cannot meet one or more of the impact threshold requirements today?

A:  It very much depends on why.  If you are a service provider, there may be principles that are outside your scope.  That is perfectly fine.  ​

For Property Owners, Lenders, and Investors, we strongly encourage your organization to develop impact strategies that meet the impact threshold requirements or have articulated a time-bound strategy to do so.   If you are using the Framework across a fund or portfolio, we understand that there may be a handful of  properties that do not meet one or more of the impact threshold requirements.  That is ok if the threshold requirements are met at the fund/portfolio level.​

Q: What if my organization meets an impact threshold requirement, but the resident services we provide to do so are not listed in the dropdown menu?  

A:  Not a problem.  We recognize that we may not have identified all the specific resident services that property owners use to deliver impact.  In this instance, please include the resident services you are providing, share that feedback with us and please include any examples or best practices.      We will take that information and use it to inform future enhancements to the impact framework.  ​

Can State and Local Governments adopt the Framework to support their affordable housing program requirements?

A:  Yes!  The Framework was designed to support stakeholders across the affordable and sustainable rental housing ecosystem.  Any state and local government that is interested in using the Framework, should feel free to use the framework. We will provide whatever guidance and support they need to build programs that make it easier for public/private partnerships that create more affordable, sustainable and equitable rental housing units.